Musetto Alice Marrollo | Mighty Small | Cape Town

I’m Alice Marrollo, an Italian mama of two and illustrator. I was also once a mini. I was brave and strong and excited and sometimes frightened too, just like every little one. Since then my adventure took me every which way and returned me here, a place to share now with our mini.

My firstborn Noah started at an early age to say cute and funny words and I had the idea of illustrating these words and creating an artwork so we could remember and cherish these moments.

A very good friend of mine saw it and wanted one for her mini and then many other moms started to order my illustrated posters to cherish their mini’s words forever. Today I have a magic collection of beautiful and quirky words from all around the world and I hope to add your mini’s ones to it!

Musetto has grown so much that I’m not only illustrating words, I now have a range of products and I constantly update it to bring more magic and fun to your home!

Musetto | Mighty Small | Cape Town | South Africa
Musetto | Mighty Small | Cape Town | South Africa

Our name MUSETTO is Italian for ‘little snout’ and it’s how in Italy we refer to a small cute little kiddies face.

Musetto | Mighty Small | Cape Town | South Africa
Musetto | Mighty Small | Cape Town | South Africa